Thursday 22 March 2012


Among all ships, to many Courtship is the hardest, Relationship is the toughest while Friendship is complex. In courtship, the man is the captain, in relationship both party tend to be the captain but more of the man while in friendship everybody makes effort to keep the ship sailing. These three ships have a strong bond binding them just like the primary, secondary and tertiary bonding. Many people calls it the pyramid of ships, some say it’s the phases of ships while others say it’s the stages of ships. These three ship are inter related when considering their linkage, it starts from the basement of the pyramid which is Friendship and grow to the middle which is Relationship and later ends at the top which is courtship where two can pierce through as one. These ships have some negative catalyst that can cause the ship never to sail again or keep it stationary for some time. Some of these catalysts are: distance, misunderstanding, insincerity, and Untrustworthy. Like they say “Out of sight is out of mind”, but some like theirs from distance, some sail and say “whatever comes out of it we will take it” and some say “let’s sail together till we see the end”. Sometimes the party that takes it too deep gets drawn, so its better we pour coal to the ship for movement to the best of our ability or take risk that will cost us no harm in improving and stabilizing our sailings. If you believe the saying “No man is an Island” then you are in one of these ships.

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